ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so you know how in movies and video games, there are some people who get paid to do really dangerous things like fighting bad guys, stealing important things or even killing people? Well, a hitman is someone who gets paid to secretly kill another person.

Now, killing someone is a really bad thing to do and is against the law, so hitmen are actually illegal and can get in a lot of trouble if they get caught. But some bad people still hire hitmen to do their dirty work, usually to get rid of someone they don't like, or to protect themselves or their business.

Hitmen are usually very skilled at what they do, and they use different methods to kill their target without getting caught. Sometimes, they use guns or knives, sometimes they use poison or explosives, and sometimes they use other sneaky ways.

Being a hitman is a dangerous and scary job, and it's not something that good people do. So always remember, it's never okay to hurt or kill someone, and if you ever hear about someone hiring a hitman, you should tell a grown-up you trust right away.