ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Holacracy is a way of organizing people in a group or a company. It is like playing a game where everyone has a role to play and rules to follow. But instead of having a boss who tells everyone what to do, everyone has different roles and responsibilities.

Imagine you are playing with your friends and you want to build a fort. You need someone to gather the materials, someone to build the walls, and someone to decorate it. In a holacracy, everyone agrees on what needs to be done and what their role is. They have regular meetings where they can discuss ideas and solve problems together.

Instead of having a boss, a holacracy has a system of circles and roles. Each circle has a purpose and each role has a specific job to do. For example, the marketing circle may have roles for social media, content creation, and advertising. Each role has its own set of accountabilities, which are like tasks that need to be done.

In a holacracy, everyone can make decisions that affect their roles, but they also have to follow certain rules and guidelines. This helps everyone work together and stay focused on the circle's purpose.

Holacracy can be a very effective way of working because it allows everyone to contribute their ideas and talents. It also gives people more freedom to express themselves and take initiative. However, it can be challenging because it requires everyone to be accountable and responsible for their own work.