Holland Codes are a way to help you figure out the type of job that would be right for you. The codes are made up of 6 letters, and each letter stands for something different. They stand for Realistic (R), Investigative (I), Artistic (A), Social (S), Enterprising (E), and Conventional (C). Each letter stands for a type of job that someone might want to do. For example, if you like building things and working with your hands, you might get a score that is high in the “R” category, which means you might like a job that is realistic, like being a mechanic or a carpenter. If you like solving puzzles or investigating things, you might get a score that is high in the “I” category, which means you might like a job that is investigative, like a detective or scientist. Knowing your Holland Code can help you figure out what type of job would be best for you.