ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Holographic screen

A holographic screen is like a magical window that can show you things that aren't really there!

Imagine you have a box that you can look into, and inside that box, there is a very special sticker that can make objects appear to be floating in the air. That sticker is called a hologram, and it works by reflecting light in a special way so that it looks like there is something there, even though it's really just a flat image.

Now, imagine that box is a big screen, and instead of just one sticker, there are millions of them, placed in a very specific way so that they can create a whole bunch of different holographic images at the same time. That's what a holographic screen is!

When you look at a holographic screen, it can show you images that appear to be popping out of the screen, or even floating in the air in front of you. It's like a 3D movie, but way cooler!

Scientists and engineers are working on making even better holographic screens that can display even more realistic images. Who knows, maybe one day we'll be able to watch movies and play video games on screens that look like they're really there, even though they're not!