ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Free-space display

Well kiddo, free-space display is a way of making pictures and videos appear in the air instead of on a screen. Imagine you could put your hand inside a magical box and suddenly see a 3D image of a unicorn jumping out! That's kind of how free-space display works.

It's a special kind of technology that uses lasers, mirrors, and other cool gadgets to create images that seem to float in thin air. In simple terms, it's like drawing something in the air using light!

But how does it work? Imagine a movie projector that can project the image onto a wall or screen. Now, imagine if that projector could project an image anywhere in the room without needing a screen. That's what a free-space display does.

The system uses lasers to shoot light in a certain way so it creates an image. The lasers shoot the light to a certain point in the air, and the image is created where those beams of light meet. Since lasers are very precise, the image is created with extreme detail and accuracy.

Now, it's not all magic - there's a lot of science involved too. The system has to make sure the lasers are shooting at exactly the right angle, and the mirrors and lenses need to be placed in the correct positions to create the image. But once all these things are set up, it's as if you have a magic box that can display pictures and videos in thin air.

So that's free-space display in a nutshell. It's a really cool technology that allows us to see things in a way we never thought was possible - like seeing unicorns jump right out of a box!