ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Holy Week in Mexico

Hi there! So, holy week is a very important time in Mexico where people remember and celebrate the life of Jesus. It starts on Palm Sunday, when people place palm leaves on the ground for Jesus to walk on, and ends on Easter Sunday, when Jesus rose from the dead.

During holy week, people often go to church more often than usual and participate in special services. They also might fast – which means not eating certain foods – to show their devotion.

One of the most famous things about holy week in Mexico is the processions. These are like parades where people walk through the streets carrying statues of Jesus and other religious figures. Some people even dress up in costume to perform plays about important moments from the Bible.

Another important tradition during holy week is making colorful decorations out of paper and tissue paper. These are called papel picado and they are hung up around town to make everything look really beautiful.

Overall, holy week is a time for people to come together to remember the story of Jesus and show their love and devotion. It's a really special and meaningful time for many people in Mexico.