ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Holy day of obligation

Okay kiddo, so you know how going to church is important for some people because they want to worship and pray together as a community? Well, a holy day of obligation is a special day when going to church is extra important for Catholics.

These days are called "holy" because they celebrate important events in the story of Jesus, like his birth, death, and resurrection. It's like a birthday party for Jesus! On these days, Catholics are encouraged to attend Mass (which is a special church service) and celebrate with their church community.

Now, the word "obligation" means that it's something Catholics are required to do - it's like a rule. They have to go to Mass on that day, if they are physically able to do so. This means that if they don't go to church on a holy day of obligation without a good reason, it's like breaking a promise to God.

But don't worry, holy days of obligation are special and joyful, not scary or boring. It's a chance for Catholics to come together and celebrate their faith, which is why they are so important!
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