ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Homelessness among LGBT youth in the United States

So, you know how sometimes people don't have a house to live in and they have to sleep outside or in places that aren't homes, like cars or buildings that are empty? Well, this happens to some kids who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, too.

Sometimes when these kids come out and tell their families or friends they like someone of the same gender or don't feel comfortable with the gender they were born as, their families might get upset and not want to support them anymore. This can make the kids feel like they have to leave home because they don't feel safe there anymore.

When they leave home, they often don't have a lot of money or resources to help them find a new place to live. They can end up living on the streets, which can be really dangerous and scary. They might not have anywhere to go to get food or stay warm, even when it's cold outside.

It's important for people to help support these kids by giving them a safe place to live and helping them find resources, like a job or counseling, so they can build a better future for themselves. Nobody should have to be homeless just because of who they love or who they feel they are inside.