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Hormuz Peace Initiative

The Hormuz Peace Initiative is a plan to encourage countries in the Persian Gulf region to work together to promote peace and security. It is named after the Strait of Hormuz, which is a narrow waterway between Iran and Oman. The strait is very important for global oil transportation because many of the world's oil tankers pass through it.

The goal of the Hormuz Peace Initiative is to create a forum where countries in the Persian Gulf region can talk to each other and work together to prevent conflicts and improve relations. This would involve discussing issues like economic development, security cooperation, and environmental protection. The idea is that by working together, countries in the region can become more stable and prosperous, and reduce the risk of conflict.

The Hormuz Peace Initiative was first proposed by Iran in 2019, and several countries in the region have expressed support for the idea. The plan has been discussed at several international forums, including the United Nations, and there have been calls for more countries to get involved in the initiative.

Overall, the Hormuz Peace Initiative is a way for countries in the Persian Gulf region to come together and try to prevent conflicts and promote peace. By working together, countries can build stronger relationships and create a more stable and prosperous region for everyone.