ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Horseless carriage

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago, people used to get around by riding horses or walking. But then some really smart people came up with something called the "horseless carriage."

Do you know what a carriage is? It's like a big, fancy car that horses would pull around. But the horseless carriage didn't need any horses. It was a car that could move all by itself!

Instead of horses, the car had an engine that ran on something called gasoline. The engine made the wheels turn and the car move forward. It was a big invention because people could now travel much faster and farther than before.

As time went on, people made many different types of horseless carriages. They got smaller, faster, and more efficient. And today, we still use horseless carriages all the time! They are called cars or automobiles, and they have made it so much easier for us to get around and do things. Pretty cool, huh?