ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Steam car

Have you ever seen a pot of water boiling on the stove? When the water gets hot enough, it becomes steam, which is a gas that we can't see. Well, a steam car works kind of like that pot of boiling water.

Instead of boiling water on a stove, a steam car has a special machine called a boiler that heats up water using something called burning fuel, like wood or coal. The hot water turns into steam, just like the water on your stove, and this steam is sent to the car's engine. The engine is the part of the car that makes things move, like the wheels, and the steam makes the engine move.

One of the coolest things about a steam car is that it doesn't emit any harmful gases like a regular car does. This makes it a very environmentally friendly vehicle! However, steam cars are not very common these days because they are not as efficient as other types of cars. But they are still pretty neat to learn about!