ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Housing is where people live. It can be big or small, with one room or many rooms. It's like a giant puzzle made up of different pieces that come together to make a place for people to call home.

Have you ever seen a dollhouse or played with toy blocks to make a building? Those are examples of how housing is made. But what do we use to make real housing?

First, we need a piece of land where the house can be built. This is like finding the right spot to setup a tent when you go camping. Once we have the spot picked out, we need to figure out what kind of house we want to build.

There are many different types of houses. Some are made of wood, brick, or concrete. Some houses have a flat roof while others have a sloping roof. Some are one story while others are multiple stories tall. It's like choosing what kind of cake you want to bake - do you want strawberry or chocolate?

After deciding what the house will look like, construction starts. Workers use tools like hammers, nails, saws, and drills to build the house's frame or skeleton. Just like how we build with LEGOs, workers put pieces together to create walls, floors, and ceilings.

When the frame is completed, workers add things like windows, doors, and pipes for water and electricity. It's like adding the frosting and decorations to the cake.

Then, workers paint the walls, lay carpet or flooring, and add furniture like beds and tables. Finally, the house is ready to live in!

But not everyone can afford to buy or build their own house. That's where apartments come in. An apartment is like a big building with many houses inside. Each house is called a unit and is usually one room or a few rooms all connected by hallways and stairs.

People who live in apartments pay rent to the owner of the building. It's like how you might pay a friend to borrow their toy for a while.

So, that's the basics of housing. It's a place for people to live, made up of different parts, and can come in many different shapes and sizes.