ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human Sacrifice

Human sacrifice is when people would offer another person's life as a gift to their gods to please them or get their blessings. It is a belief that by sacrificing a human life, the gods would be happy and would grant their wishes.

Imagine you have a friend who you really admire and want to make happy. You might give them a gift like a pretty flower or a toy. In a similar way, a long time ago, people believed that their gods would be happy with them if they sacrificed something important. Unfortunately, people used to sacrifice other people, and that is what makes it a devastating and horrible thing.

People believed that by sacrificing humans, they could please their gods and ensure a better harvest or defeat their enemies in a war. The practice was prevalent in many cultures in the past, such as Aztecs and Mayans, who believed that human sacrifice would appease their gods and prevent the end of the world.

But now, we know that human sacrifice is wrong and unacceptable. It is never okay to harm others to make our wishes come true. We should always treat everyone with kindness and respect, just the way we want others to treat us.