ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human impacts on the environment

Okay kiddo, so you know how we live on planet Earth and we need things like air, water, and food to survive? Well, sometimes the things that people do can hurt the Earth and make it harder for plants, animals, and even people to live healthy and happy lives.

For example, when people cut down lots of trees, it's bad for the animals that lived in those trees because they lose their homes. It's also bad for us because trees help keep the air clean by absorbing carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen. Plus, if there are fewer trees, there's less shade to keep us cool in hot weather.

Another way that our actions can hurt the environment is by polluting. When people throw trash on the ground or in the water, it can make animals sick if they eat it. And if people pour chemicals into the water, it can kill fish and other water creatures. It's also bad for us if we drink that water because the chemicals can make us sick too.

People can also use too much water or use it in a way that's not good for the environment. For example, when people leave the faucet running while they brush their teeth, it wastes a lot of water. And when people use a lot of water to water their lawns, it can take away water that animals need to drink.

So, it's important for people to think about how their actions can impact the Earth and try to do things that are good for the environment. Things like recycling, using less plastic, and walking or biking instead of driving a car can all help make the Earth a healthier and happier place for everyone to live.