ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human rights violations during the Syrian civil war

Okay kiddo, imagine that you and your friends are playing a game but one of your friends starts being mean to everyone else for no reason. They start hitting, pushing, and hurting everyone. That's what's happening in Syria, but it's not a game.

During the Syrian civil war, which started in 2011, the government and other groups have been fighting each other. And unfortunately, they're not playing fair. They're hurting and killing innocent people, even children. This is bad because everyone has the right to live and be safe.

The bad guys are not only hurting people physically but also doing things that make it hard for people to live and be happy. They're not letting people go to school, have clean water, or go to the doctor when they're sick. This is also not fair because everyone deserves these things.

Some of the human rights violations during the Syrian civil war include:

- Killing and injuring innocent people
- Using chemical weapons that can make people very sick or cause them to die
- Destroying homes, schools, hospitals, and other important buildings
- Not letting people leave the country to be safer
- Not letting people have basic needs like food, shelter, and medical care
- Arresting and torturing people who speak out against them or who they suspect are against them

All of these things are not acceptable. Governments and groups are supposed to protect people, not hurt them. It's important that everyone stands up for what's right and tries to help those who are being mistreated.