ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Huna people

The Huna people are a group of people who live in Hawaii, which is a group of islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They have their own special way of thinking and living, which is called Huna.

Imagine you have a special way of looking at the world. You believe that everything in the world is connected in some way, and that there is a special energy that flows through everything. This energy can be used to make things happen, like helping someone feel better or making something grow.

Huna people believe in this idea, and they use it to help themselves and others. They think that everyone has the power to control their own lives and create their own reality. They also think that everything in the world happens for a reason, and that bad things can sometimes lead to good things in the end.

The Huna people also believe in the power of words and thoughts. They think that what you say and think can affect the energy around you, and that it's important to use positive words and thoughts to create the things you want in life.

In Huna, there are also certain practices and rituals that are used to connect with the energy around us. One of these practices is called Ho'oponopono, which is a way of resolving conflicts and maintaining relationships between people.

Overall, the Huna people have their own unique way of thinking and living that focuses on connecting with the energy around us and using it to create positive outcomes in life.