ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hundred Years' War

The Hundred Years' War was a long fight, going on for over a hundred years (can you imagine that?) between two powerful countries, England and France. The reason for this fight was because both countries wanted control over some of the same land.

It was a very long and brutal war, with many battles on both sides. At the beginning of the war, the English won several big battles, and they were able to capture a lot of French territory. But eventually, the French started to fight back and began winning battles too.

The war had a lot of different phases over the years. There were times when it looked like it was over, but then something else would happen, and the fighting would start up again.

Finally, after many years of fighting, the French were able to win some key battles, and they eventually forced the English out of most of the land they had taken.

In the end, both countries were very tired of fighting, so they signed a treaty and the Hundred Years' War was over.