ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hungarian mythology

Hungarian mythology is a collection of stories and beliefs about the ancient gods and goddesses worshipped by the Hungarian people. These myths were passed down orally from generation to generation before being recorded in writing.

In these stories, the gods and goddesses were believed to have created the world and ruled over various aspects of nature and human life. For example, the god of the sky was called Magyarság, and the goddess of fertility was called Aranyanya.

Many of the myths also involve heroes and epic battles. One famous story is the legend of the Hunor and Magor brothers. In the story, the brothers were born to a goddess and a mortal man and grew up to be great warriors. They led their people on many battles and adventures, ultimately founding the Hungarian nation.

Other popular stories include the tale of King Matthias, a ruler known for his wisdom and just rule, and the legend of the Turul bird, a powerful and mythical bird that was believed to have guided and protected the Hungarian people.

Overall, Hungarian mythology is a rich and fascinating collection of stories that are still enjoyed and celebrated by many Hungarians today.