ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hygiene in Christianity

Hi there! You’ve asked about hygiene in Christianity so let me explain it to you like you’re five years old.

Hygiene is all about keeping yourself and your surroundings clean to keep away germs and diseases. In Christianity, keeping yourself clean is seen as a way to show respect and honor to God, who made our bodies.

Just like how we clean our teeth in the morning and at night to keep them healthy, Christians also have ways to keep themselves clean. One way is through baptism. Baptism is when a person is dipped in water or has water poured over them to represent washing away their sins and starting a new life with God.

Another way is by washing hands before meals. Christians believe that saying a blessing before eating is important, but also that cleanliness is important, so it's important to wash hands before eating to be healthy and show respect to the food that God provides.

In addition, Christians are also taught to dress modestly and take care of their bodies. This includes things like taking a regular bath or shower, brushing your teeth, and wearing clean clothes.

Overall, hygiene in Christianity is all about maintaining a clean and healthy body to show respect to God and to take care of ourselves.