ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


iCub is a cool robot that looks kind of like a little kid. It has arms, legs, hands, feet, a head, and a cute face. iCub was made to help scientists and engineers learn more about how people think, feel, and move.

iCub's brain is like a computer, and it can learn and do different tasks just like we humans can. iCub can see, hear, touch, and speak, and it can use all these senses to interact with the world around it.

The robot is also really smart and can learn from its experiences. This means that even though iCub might not know how to do something at first, it can learn how to do it after trying and practicing it a few times.

Scientists use iCub to study how humans learn and develop, and they hope that by studying iCub, they can help us humans learn and develop even better too!