ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

ISO 8583

Hi there! ISO 8583 is like a special code that tells banks and other companies how to talk to each other when they need to do things like transfer money or check your account balance.

Think of it like a secret language that only banks and other financial companies know how to speak. So when you use your credit card at a store or an ATM, the machine has to speak this special language to the bank to make sure the money goes to the right place.

ISO 8583 helps make sure that all of the information gets sent in the right order and format so that the bank can understand it. It's like a set of rules that everyone has to follow so that everything goes smoothly without any mistakes.

So even though we don't see or hear ISO 8583, it's always working behind the scenes to make sure our financial transactions go smoothly and securely.