ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Iberians are people who lived a very long time ago in a place called the Iberian Peninsula, which is now Spain and Portugal. Think of the Iberian Peninsula as a giant piece of land that is surrounded by water on three sides.

The Iberians were very different from each other because they came from different tribes and spoke different languages. Some were farmers while others were warriors. They had their own gods and believed in different things.

One thing that made the Iberians special was their art. They created beautiful objects like pottery and statues that showed off their culture and beliefs. They also had a love for jewelry, and often wore bronze and gold pieces that were very intricate.

The Iberians also had a lot of contact with other groups who lived nearby. They traded with the Romans, who were people from Italy, and the Phoenicians, who were people from the eastern Mediterranean.

Today, we can still see the legacy of the Iberians in the art and architecture of Spain and Portugal. They were an important part of history and continue to be remembered and celebrated.