ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Iberian language

Okay, imagine there are many different languages in the world, like English, Spanish, French, Chinese, and many others. One of the languages that people speak in some countries is called Iberian language.

Iberian language is a very old language that was spoken by people who lived in what is now Spain and Portugal a long, long time ago. When I say it's old, I mean it's really old, like thousands and thousands of years old. People used to speak this language a very long time ago, even before the Romans came to that part of the world.

Nowadays, we don't hear much about Iberian language because it's an extinct language, which means that nobody speaks it anymore. We don't have any recordings of people speaking Iberian language, but we do have some writing in this language that was found on stone tablets or coins. Archaeologists and historians study these artifacts to try and understand more about how people used to speak in the past.

So, in summary, Iberian language is a very old language that people used to speak in Spain and Portugal a long time ago. Nowadays, nobody speaks this language anymore, but we can still learn about it through studying old writing on artifacts.