ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Paleohispanic scripts

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen letters and words written on a page like in a book? Well, people a long, long, LONG time ago who lived in a place called the Iberian Peninsula (which is where Spain and Portugal are today) also had their own way of writing important things down. This way of writing is called "paleohispanic scripts".

Imagine trying to make a puzzle with about 28 pieces, shaped like squiggly lines and dots. That's what ancient people did to create different letters and words in paleohispanic scripts. They used a chisel or a sharp object to carve or scratch these little pieces into rocks or metal objects.

Some paleohispanic scripts even had little drawings or pictures that helped people understand what they were trying to say. For example, if someone wanted to write their name, they might use a picture of a bird or a tree along with the letter symbols.

Now, not too many people can read or write in paleohispanic scripts anymore because they stopped using it a long time ago. But, archaeologists and historians are still working hard to study and understand it so that we can learn more about the people who used it and their history. Cool, right?