ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Id, ego and super-ego

"Okay kiddo, let's talk about your mind. Inside your mind, there are three special parts that help you make decisions and behave in certain ways. They are called the id, the ego and the super-ego.

The id is like a little monster that lives inside of you. It's always hungry and wants everything it sees, like a toy or a candy. It doesn't care about anything else, even if it might hurt someone else to get what it wants. But don't worry, you won't turn into a monster because the id is just a part of your mind.

The ego is the part of your mind that tries to make the id happy in a reasonable way. It's like a referee between the id and the super-ego. The ego helps you decide when it's okay to follow your desires and when it's better to wait or not do something to avoid consequences. It tries to find a balance between the needs of the id and the rules of the super-ego.

The super-ego is like an angel or a superhero living inside of you. It helps you be a good person by following rules and doing the right thing, even if it sometimes means sacrificing something that you want. It's the part of your mind that tells you what is right and what is wrong, according to your morals and the morals of society.

So, when you make a decision, like whether or not to eat candy before dinner, your id might say 'yes, yum, candy!', but your super-ego might say 'no, it's not healthy or polite.' Your ego will try to make both parties happy by finding a compromise, like having a small piece of candy after dinner.

Remember, all three parts of your mind work together to help you be a happy and good person. They are all important in their own way, just like your arms and your legs."