ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ideal (ring theory)

Okay kiddo, let's talk about ideal in ring theory! So, first things first - a ring is just a fancy way of talking about a set of numbers that we can add, subtract, and multiply together.

Now, an ideal is basically a set of numbers in a ring that has a special property. The property is that if we multiply any number in the ring by a number in the ideal, we get another number in the ideal. That might sound a little confusing, so let me give you an example.

Let's say we have a ring made up of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. And let's say we have an ideal made up of the numbers 0 and 2. That means that if we multiply any number in the ring by 0 or 2, we always get another number in the ideal.

So, if we multiply 1 by 0, we get 0, which is in the ideal. If we multiply 3 by 2, we get 6, which is also in the ideal. But if we multiply 4 by 2, we get 8, which is not in the ideal.

Why is this special? Well, it turns out that ideals have a lot of cool properties that help us understand rings better. For example, we can use them to factor numbers in a ring (kind of like how we factor numbers in regular math). We can also use them to define things like quotient rings, which are new rings that we get by dividing a ring by an ideal.

So, that's the basic idea of an ideal in ring theory. It's just a set of numbers in a ring that has a cool property that we can use to do all sorts of cool math stuff!