ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Immunoassays are like detective stories that our bodies tell us whenever we get sick. They are like games of hide and seek between our immune system and the germs that invade our body.

Our immune system is like a team of superheroes that can find and fight germs. They do this by recognizing what is "normal" in our body and identifying anything that is not supposed to be there, like an invading germ. The system then produces special proteins called antibodies that are designed to seek out and attack these invaders.

An immunoassay is a test that helps us find and measure the antibodies our immune system produces when we get sick. Think of it like a spy game where the goal is to find the "bad guy" (the germ) by looking for clues (antibodies).

During an immunoassay, a small sample of blood is taken from our body and placed in a test tube with special chemicals that react to particular antibodies. These chemicals are like secret agents that only activate when they come into contact with the antibodies they are designed to detect.

Once the antibodies are detected, they produce a signal that can be measured by special machines. It's like getting a secret message from our immune system that tells us if we have been infected with a particular germ or if our body has built up immunity to it.

Overall, immunoassays are important tools that help doctors and scientists understand how our body's immune system works, prevent the spread of infectious diseases, and develop vaccines.