Have you ever noticed how things change over time? Impermanence means that nothing stays the same forever. Just like how you grow taller every year and your baby teeth fall out to make way for your permanent teeth, everything in the world also changes and doesn't stay the same forever.
For example, a beautiful flower that you see today may wither and die tomorrow. The seasons change, with winter turning into spring which then leads to summer, and then fall. This is all because nothing in life is permanent - everything changes.
Impermanence teaches us to appreciate and enjoy things while they last, because they won't be around forever. It also reminds us that bad things will pass, and we will overcome them just like how a storm will eventually clear up and the sun will shine again.
So remember, life is always changing and that's just how it's meant to be. Enjoy the good things while they last, and have hope knowing that the not-so-good things will eventually pass.