ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Independent medical examination

Hey there! So, have you ever been to the doctor before? Well, sometimes if someone gets hurt on the job or in a car accident, their boss or insurance company might want them to see a different doctor to make sure they're really hurt and need treatment. This is called an independent medical examination (IME).

The doctor who does the IME is different from the person's regular doctor. They're not trying to make the person feel better or help them get better, they just want to make sure they're telling the truth about how hurt they are. The doctor will ask the person lots of questions and do some tests to see how bad the injury really is.

Sometimes people get nervous about an IME because they feel like they're being accused of lying or doing something wrong, but that's not usually the case. It's just a way for the insurance company or boss to make sure they're only paying for treatment that's really necessary. Okay, hope that helps!