Imagine you have a bag of marbles. You don't know how many are inside, but you know you can count them if you pour the marbles out. That's what an indeterminate variable is - it's like the number of marbles in the bag.
In math, we often use letters or symbols to represent indeterminate variables. For example, "x" can be any number. We don't know what x equals at first, but we can figure it out using math.
Indeterminate variables are important because they allow us to solve problems without knowing all the details ahead of time. We can use algebra to manipulate the variables and come up with solutions that work for any possible value of the variable. This is why variables are used in equations and formulas.
So, just like the number of marbles in the bag can vary, the value of an indeterminate variable can also vary. But with math, we can still find answers even when we don't know exactly what the variable represents.