ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Indoor percussion ensemble

An indoor percussion ensemble is like a musical group that plays drum and percussion instruments inside a building instead of outside. They use all kinds of different drums and tambourines and xylophones and cymbals to make lots of different sounds and rhythms. Sometimes they even use things like trash cans or buckets to make cool beats!

These ensembles are usually made up of lots of different performers, and they all work together to create really exciting music. They practice a lot to make sure their timing and rhythm is perfect, and they often perform in competitions against other indoor percussion ensembles to see who can make the best music.

Watching an indoor percussion ensemble can be really exciting. They often put on elaborate shows with lots of synchronized movements and colorful costumes. The music they play can be loud and exciting or slow and calming, depending on the song. It's like watching a really fun and musical dance party!