ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Industrial automation

Okay kiddo, let me explain industrial automation in a way that's easy to understand. You know how when you play with your toy car, you use your hands to make it move forward or backward, right? Well, just like how you control your toy car, industrial automation is similar, but instead of using your hands, machines are controlling other machines.

Industrial automation is the way factories and businesses use machines to do work instead of people. These machines, called robots, are designed to do specific tasks over and over again without getting tired, needing a break, or making mistakes. The robots can be controlled by computer programs so they know exactly what to do without any human intervention.

For example, imagine a big factory that makes cars. With industrial automation, robots are used to help make the cars. They might be programmed to weld pieces of metal together, paint the cars, or even lift heavy objects and move them around the factory. These robots can do the same task over and over again without making a mistake, which saves a lot of time and money for the factory.

Industrial automation has many benefits for businesses. It's efficient, reliable, and can help businesses make more products in less time. It also allows people to work on more complex and creative tasks that are harder for robots to do. Industrial automation is becoming more and more important in our world today as it can help businesses operate more efficiently and make products faster and cheaper.