ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Industrial-organizational psychology

Hey kiddo, today we're going to talk about a really cool type of psychology called industrial-organizational psychology!

Basically, industrial-organizational psychology is all about helping people at work. It's kind of like being a superhero that helps businesses and organizations be as successful as possible.

One part of industrial-organizational psychology is figuring out how to hire the best people for a job. You know how when you're playing a game, you pick the players who are the best at certain things to help your team win? Well, that's kind of what people who study industrial-organizational psychology do for businesses. They help the businesses figure out who the best people are to hire for different jobs.

Another part of industrial-organizational psychology is making sure people are happy and comfortable at work. Have you ever been to school and felt really uncomfortable because of something like the temperature, the lighting, or how noisy it was? That can happen at work too! People who study industrial-organizational psychology help businesses figure out how to make the workplace as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for the people who work there.

Finally, people who study industrial-organizational psychology help businesses figure out how to make the workplace as productive as possible. That means they help find ways for people to get their work done quickly and efficiently, without feeling stressed or overwhelmed. It's kind of like when you have a lot of homework to do, and you make a list of the things you need to do and figure out the best way to get it all done. People who study industrial-organizational psychology help businesses do the same thing with their work.

So, in summary, people who study industrial-organizational psychology help businesses by:

- Figuring out who the best people to hire are
- Making sure the work environment is comfortable and enjoyable
- Helping businesses be as productive as possible

Pretty cool, huh?