ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Interactive theatre

Interactive theatre is like a big game of pretend where you get to be part of the story. It's like when you play make-believe with your friends, but with real live people and a big stage.

In interactive theatre, the actors don't just talk at you from the stage like in a regular play. Instead, they ask you to help them make decisions and solve problems. They might ask you to choose which path the story should take or what the characters should do next.

This means you get to be a part of the play and help create the story. And it's not just about talking either! You might get to move around the space, help the characters with tasks or even dance and sing with them!

Interactive theatre is a lot of fun because you never know what's going to happen next. You might even find yourself becoming friends with the characters and feeling like you're really a part of their world!