ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Interchange (road)

An interchange is like a big puzzle with roads! It's a place where several different roads come together and cross over each other in a special way so the cars, trucks, and buses can switch from one road to another easily, without crashing into each other. Think of it like a playground, where you can climb up a slide, go down a swing, and jump over the monkey bars, but instead of playing, you're driving your car!

An interchange has many different parts that work together to make it safe and efficient. First, there are the different ramps that connect the different roads. These ramps act like bridges, letting you drive over or under other roads to get where you need to go. Then, there are the "exit" and "entrance" signs that show you where you can exit the highway or enter it.

Another important part is the traffic signals or signs that tell you when to stop or go, and which direction to turn. There are also special lanes for people who want to turn left or right, and these lanes are often marked with arrows or painted lines on the road.

Finally, there is usually a special type of road surface called a "deceleration lane" or "acceleration lane" that helps you slow down or speed up safely as you move on and off the interchange.

So, think of an interchange like a big playground with lots of different toys to play with, except instead of toys, you have cars, trucks, and buses, and instead of playing, you have to be super safe and follow the rules of the road!