Okay kiddo, imagine you have two houses, one in your town and another in a far-away place across the ocean. Now, you want to talk to your friend who lives in that house and you want to see them too.
But do you know what the big problem is? The ocean in between is so huge that you can’t just shout or use a normal phone to talk to your friend. So, what can you do to talk and see them?
This is where intercontinental and transoceanic fixed links come into play. You can use special cables and equipment that connect your home with your friend’s home through the ocean. These cables and equipment are called fixed links because they are fixed to the ocean floor and are always there.
So, when you want to talk to your friend, the message or the call goes through these cables and equipment, and they deliver it to your friend who can hear your voice and see your face on a screen, just like a video call.
But it's not just you and your friend who use these fixed links. These connections are very important for businesses, governments, and people all around the world who need to communicate with each other.
But building these fixed links is not easy. It takes a lot of time, money, and effort to lay cables deep into the ocean floor, where they stay permanently.
So, in summary, intercontinental and transoceanic fixed links are special connections that allow people to talk and see each other across the ocean, connecting different parts of the world, making it a smaller place through technology.