ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Interlock protocol

Hey there kiddo, do you know what a protocol is? In simple words, it's like a set of rules that people follow while playing a game so that everyone can play it in the same way. An interlock protocol is also a set of rules, but not for a game. It's a set of rules that computers follow when they talk to each other.

Let's say two computers want to exchange some information with each other. They need to follow some rules to make sure that the information is exchanged securely and smoothly. The interlock protocol provides such rules.

The interlock protocol mainly focuses on two things - authentication and encryption. Authentication means making sure that the person (or computer) you are talking to is the one you think it is. Encryption means making sure that the information you are sending cannot be understood by anyone who intercepts it.

The interlock protocol uses a system called "keys" to achieve authentication and encryption. Keys are like super-secret passwords that only the sender and receiver know. When they want to talk, they use these keys to unlock each other's messages.

Think of it like this - when you want to talk to your best friend, you use a secret word that only you two know. You say the secret word, and your friend knows it's you. You also use the secret word to tell your friend something that only they can understand. This way, you and your friend can talk without anyone else knowing what you are saying.

Similarly, computers use keys to talk to each other. They use the keys to make sure that they are talking to the right computer and that no one else can understand what they are saying.

So, that's the interlock protocol for you. It's like a set of rules that computers follow to talk to each other securely and privately. And just like with any game or set of rules, if everyone follows them, things go smoothly.