ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intermediate technology

Intermediate technology is a way of doing things that are not too simple but not too complicated either. It's like when you are learning how to cook something. You don't want to start with something that is too hard, but you also don't want to start with something that is too easy. You want to find something in the middle that will help you learn and grow.

Now imagine if you were living in a place where you didn't have access to all the fancy gadgets and tools that modern society has. You would have to rely on what you have around you to get things done. This is where intermediate technology comes in.

It means finding ways to use the resources that you have to create something that you need. For example, if you want to cook a meal but you don't have an oven, you can use a fire to cook on. Or if you need to irrigate your crops, you can use a water wheel to lift water from a stream.

Intermediate technology is all about finding inventive solutions to problems using simple tools and techniques. It's about doing things in a way that is sustainable and helps to build up local communities. By relying on simple and efficient methods, it's possible to improve people's lives without causing harm to the environment or relying on other countries for resources.

So when you hear the term intermediate technology, remember that it's all about finding middle ground – a way to make things work that is both efficient and accessible to everyone, no matter where they live.