ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Internally displaced persons in Iraq

When people are forced to leave their homes and cannot go back because of war, conflict or other reasons, they are called "internally displaced persons" or IDPs for short. In Iraq, thousands of people have had to leave their homes and become IDPs because of fighting between different groups and organizations.

Being an IDP can be very hard because you don't have a safe and comfortable place to live. You might not have enough food, water, or medicine either. Families can be separated, children might not be able to go to school, and adults may not be able to work.

Some of these IDPs go to camps where they can live in temporary shelters and get help from aid organizations, but many others live in abandoned buildings, with relatives, or on the streets. The Iraqi government and international organizations are working to help IDPs by giving them food, water, medicine, and other things they need, as well as trying to find ways to help them return to their homes or find new places to live.

In summary, internally displaced persons are people who have to leave their homes because of danger, war or conflict and it can be very difficult for them to find a safe and secure place to live. In Iraq, many thousands of people have had to become IDPs and are struggling to find their way in a difficult situation.