ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Chamber of Commerce

The international chamber of commerce is a group of people who work together to make sure businesses in countries all over the world can trade fairly and easily with each other. It’s like a big club where everyone who wants to be part of it has to follow the same rules so that they can all be friends and do business together.

Imagine you have a toy you really like and you want to trade it for a snack you see someone else has. But you both speak different languages and have different rules about what’s fair. That’s where the international chamber of commerce comes in. They make sure that everyone knows the same rules and can communicate with each other so that trading toys or other important things, like food or medicine, can happen smoothly.

Because the world is so big and there are so many countries, the international chamber of commerce has different groups that focus on specific parts of the world. They also help businesses deal with problems that come up, like disagreements over money or how to ship things.

Overall, the international chamber of commerce is like a really helpful friend that makes sure everyone in the world can trade fairly and be successful together.