ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Day Against DRM

Okay kiddo, so you know how when you play with your toys, you don't want anyone taking them away from you, right? That's how some companies feel about the things they make, like movies or games. They don't want anyone taking them or copying them without permission, so they put something called DRM, or Digital Rights Management, on them.

DRM is like a little guard that helps protect the things companies create. But sometimes, it can be a bit too strong and make it hard for people who bought those things to use them in the way they want, like if they want to share them with friends or play them on different devices.

The International Day Against DRM is a day where people all over the world come together to talk about how DRM can be helpful, but also how it can be too restrictive. They want everyone to be able to enjoy the things they bought in the way that makes them happiest, without feeling like they're doing something wrong.

So today, people are talking about how we can make sure that companies can protect their work, but also make sure that we all have the freedom to use it in the way we want. It's like having a little bit of protection, but still being able to play with your toys however you like.