ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

International Year of Natural Fibres

Hey kiddo! Do you know what clothes are made of? Sometimes they're made of materials like cotton, wool or silk, right? These materials are called "natural fibres".

The year 2009 was a special year called the "International Year of Natural Fibres". This means that people all around the world, including important leaders, scientists and businesses, talked about these natural fibres and why they're important.

Natural fibres are great because they come from things that grow naturally, like plants or animals. That's why they're good for the environment! When we use natural fibres to make clothes or other things, we can also support farmers and people who work with animals. That's really important too!

The International Year of Natural Fibres helped us remember how special these materials are, and showed us different ways to use them. That way, we can all take care of our planet and keep it healthy!