ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Internet cafe

Internet cafe is a place where you can use computers that are connected to the internet. It's like a big room with a bunch of computers that you can rent for a certain amount of time, kind of like how you can rent toys or bikes.

When you go to the internet cafe, there will be someone there who can help you if you need it. They will show you how to use their computers and help you if you have any problems. They might also have printers that you can use to print things.

Internet cafes are places where people can get on the internet for many different reasons. Some people use it to check their email, while others use it to play games or work on projects. You might even see people talking to their friends or family using something called video chat, where you can see and hear the person you're talking to on the screen.

Internet cafes can be a fun place to hang out, especially if you don't have a computer at home or if you want to meet new people. But it's important to remember to be safe online and not give out any personal information to people you don't know.