ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Internet service provider

An internet service provider, or ISP for short, is like the company that gives you access to the internet. Just like how you need a key to get into your house, your computer needs a way to get onto the internet, and the ISP is the one who provides that key. They use big cables and wires to send information and data to your computer, like pictures, videos, and websites.

Just like how you might have different kinds of keys for different doors, ISPs can offer different types of internet connections, like cable or Wi-Fi. They also might have different speeds, which means how fast or slow the internet comes to your computer. Some ISPs might charge you more money for faster speeds, just like how you might pay more for a fancier key or a bigger house.

So, when you want to look at pictures of your favorite animals on the internet or even watch videos of them, your computer talks to the ISP to get the information and show it to you. Your parents probably pay the ISP every month to make sure that your computer can always get onto the internet whenever you want to see cute animal pictures again.

Overall, ISPs are like the keeper of the internet keys, making sure you can get into the magical world of the internet whenever you want to learn, play, or just have fun.