ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Network service provider

Hi there! Have you ever played a game of telephone with your friends where you whisper a message into each other's ears and pass it along? Imagine that game but with phones and computers all over the world!

A network service provider is like the person in charge of making sure all the phones and computers are connected and can talk to each other. They have big machines called servers that store information and help move messages and pictures from one place to another. Just like how you need electricity to turn on your toys or watch TV, computers and phones need the network service provider's help to work properly.

Sometimes, different network service providers work together to help messages and information travel even further. It's like when your parents help you call your grandma on her phone, even though she lives far away.

So next time you play a game of telephone or send a text message, remember the network service provider is the one making it all possible!