ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intertestamental period

Hello there! Have you ever heard of the time period between the Old and New Testaments in the Bible? That's called the intertestamental period.

So, let me break it down for you like you're five: Imagine you have a book with two different parts. The first part tells you stories about what happened long, long ago. The second part talks about what happened later on. In between those two parts, there's a blank page. That's the intertestamental period.

During this time, a lot of important things happened. Different nations, like the Greeks and the Romans, took over the land where the Bible was written. This made things very difficult for the people who lived there. They had to learn new languages and follow new laws that were different from what they were used to.

However, during this time, some very important events took place that affected the world and the Bible. For example, the Jewish people were allowed to return to their homeland after years of being forced to live in other places. They rebuilt their temple and tried to rebuild their lives.

People also began to write new books and stories that were not included in the Bible, but they still had important things to say. One of those books is called the Book of Maccabees. It tells the story of a group of Jewish warriors who fought against the Greeks to keep their temple and their beliefs safe.

So, even though the intertestamental period might seem like a blank page in a book, a lot of important things happened during that time. Those events helped shape the world as we know it today and also helped shape the stories that are told in the Bible.