ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, have you ever taken a test where you have to answer questions by saying whether you like something or not? Maybe it's a test that asks you if you like dogs or cats more, or if you enjoy playing video games or reading books.

Well, ipsative is kind of like that. But instead of answering questions about different things, you are answering questions about yourself. For example, you might have to say whether you think you are better at math or art, or if you are more outgoing or shy.

The important thing to remember with ipsative tests is that you are not being compared to anyone else. You are just answering questions about your own likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. This can be really helpful for understanding yourself better and figuring out what you might want to do in the future.

So, if you ever take an ipsative test, just remember that it's all about you and what you think about yourself!