ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Iram of the Pillars

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what the "Iram of the Pillars" is all about.

"Iram of the Pillars" is a legendary city mentioned in an ancient Arabian poem. According to the poem, the city was located somewhere in the Arabian desert and was built by a tribe called Ad.

Now, the Ad tribe was very arrogant and did not worship God. So, as a punishment, God sent a powerful sandstorm to destroy their city.

But, before the sandstorm hit, the people of Ad managed to build huge pillars to protect themselves. These pillars were so big that it was said that they reached up to the clouds. That's why the city was also known as the "City of the Pillars".

However, even these pillars couldn't protect the arrogant people of Ad from God's punishment and the sandstorm destroyed the entire city.

Now, many people believe that the story of Iram of the Pillars is just a myth or a legend. But, some people think that the city actually existed and was destroyed by a natural disaster like a sandstorm or an earthquake.

So, that's the story of the "Iram of the Pillars". It tells us to be humble and respectful to God, so that we don't face the same fate as the people of Ad.