ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Iranian calendar

So, you know how we use a calendar to keep track of the days, weeks, and months? Well, Iranians have their own calendar too! It is called the Iranian calendar, also known as the Persian calendar.

This calendar is a bit different from the one we use, it has 12 months just like ours, but instead of starting in January, it starts in March. That's because March is the first month of spring and Iranians have celebrated the new year on the first day of spring for thousands of years!

Each month in the Iranian calendar has either 29 or 30 days (just like the Gregorian calendar we use). But, there's an extra trick to it! In the Iranian calendar, they have a leap year every four years. In a leap year, they add an extra day to the last month of the year. This makes the Iranian calendar a bit more accurate than ours!

The Iranian calendar also uses a different numbering system. Instead of AD or BC, they use a system called Solar Hijri. This system is based on the time it takes for the Earth to orbit around the sun, which is about 365.25 days.

So, in the Iranian calendar, we are currently in the year 1400. Yes, you read that right, 1400! That's because the Iranian calendar started before the Gregorian calendar we use today.

Overall, the Iranian calendar is a fascinating way of keeping track of time and celebrating the new year in a way that connects them to their ancient history and culture!