ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Iraq Intelligence Commission

Okay, so you know how sometimes grown-ups have to investigate things to find out what happened? Well, a long time ago, some really important people in the United States government wanted to figure out what happened in Iraq. They called this investigation the "Iraq Intelligence Commission."

You see, a while back, the United States went to war in Iraq. Before they did that, they had to make sure it was the right thing to do. So, they needed to gather information, or "intelligence," about Iraq to help them decide.

The problem was that some of the intelligence they got turned out to be wrong. Some people said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, which are very dangerous things that can hurt lots of people. But when the United States went to Iraq, they couldn't find any of these weapons.

So some people in the government thought that they needed to figure out why they got the wrong information about Iraq. That's why they made the Iraq Intelligence Commission. The commission investigated and looked at all the information that the government had about Iraq before they went to war.

The commission also looked at how the information was collected and analyzed. They wanted to figure out if there were any mistakes made, and if so, how they could prevent those mistakes from happening in the future.

So the Iraq Intelligence Commission was a way for the government to learn from their mistakes and try to make better decisions in the future.